Sunday, May 19, 2024

Hidden Beauty


God’s creativeness is just so amazing.

Here is one of His lessons in photos. 

All of these photos are of the SAME bird- a Black and White Jacobin Hummingbird. The 1st photo is of the plain bird that we have seen for centuries.


One day Christian Spencer was on a balcony in South America (where they live) with his camera.

Photo credit: Gary Kurtz

The remaining photos are of what he saw and was able to capture on film.

Photo credit: Christian Spencer

Rainbow refraction!

When the bird flew with the sun lighting up through its’ wings he became the most beautiful rainbow hummingbird.

No one had ever seen or known this before.

Photo credits: Christian Spencer

These are NOT photo/digital manipulated in any way.

Lesson: while we may see normal, drab, plain people on the outside, God knows the truth. He sees us as He created us - beautiful beyond understanding!  Look at others through God’s eyes and see the treasure that they truly are. Let His light shine through and what was once ugly and plain is now beautiful and unique.

You are beautiful and unique.

You are a treasure beyond belief.

God created only one of you!

‘Til next time,


On Pinterest: KKloberdans

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Swan Dreams


Chris Baca posted on Pinterest

I have always loved swans. They just look so stately and elegant.

Found on Pinterest, no credit

Then I discovered some pretty cool things about them - like they mate for life;

and they are fiercely protective of their young.

Both parents care and protect their babies - who are called cygnets.

Georgeann Ward posted on Pinterest

Wild swans migrate for the winter, so you might see a group of them flying overhead. A group of swans is called a bevy. You would notice since they travel in groups of 100 or more!

Possibly Bewick’s Swans; David Asvitt posted on Pinterest

There are many different kinds of swans. The differences seem to be primarily in the color of the beak, or the feathers.

Black-necked swan

You can find swans in North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, Oceania and the Artic.

UK courtesy of Freepik 

Swans even have their own constellation! It’s named Cygnus and represents the mythical character Orpheus.

By Thysa Zevenbergen; Pinterest & Etsy

Here  are few more examples of swan paper cuttings -

Papercutting by inkspired

Found on Pinterest

The swan we are most familiar with in North America is the mute swan. It is actually an invasive fowl brought here from Europe.

Mute swan

Our native swan is the trumpeter swan. It almost became extinct in the 20th century, but through dedicated conservation it has rebounded.

Trumpeter Swan; Pinterest

The Trumpeter swan has an all black face mask and beak.

Photo credit: Robin Schmidt

Swans have been popular throughout history. As most things do, their popularity goes in and out of favor, but swans always seem to come back.  Here are some household items that feature swans.

Vintage Abbot teapot

Vintage table; Pinterest

1940’s swan chair

Circa 1806 cup

Vintage Haeger swan vase

We can also find swans in architecture.

Drumcliff, County Sligo, Ireland 

Posted aldabones on Pinterest

Art Nouveau style swans

Swan jewelry can be lovely-

Ochira pearls; Pinterest

Graff jewelry designs; Pinterest 

The elegant lines of a swan lend themselves to clothing fashion quite nicely. Here are some unique examples:

Hamada Al Fahim Spring/Summer 2017

George’s Hobeika Fall 2018 show

House of Aristocrat

We find artists throughout the ages fascinated with swans as subject matter.

Artist unknown

Folk Art by Skaska

Here are a few that have been featured on magazine covers -

Swans have also been popular in advertising.

Courtesy The Graphic Fairy

Here are some swans you can cut out and use as decorations. Make a garland to hang from a mantle, or across a doorway. Frame one and hang on the wall. You could Mod Podge one onto a gold charger plate, or a glass plate for a tabletop display. Pair it with glass swan figurines.

Freehand cut by inkspired

Backstreet Studio (out of print)

Swan dinner plates, BASH party supply

This next pattern could be cut from felt or paper-

Use these patterns for cross stitch, Diamond Dotz or beading-

Swan Pixel Art

Found on Pinterest

Here’s a wonderful pattern to make a pop-up card!

Soon you will have a bevy of swans!

Photo credit: Pascal Silvain Arabatzis

I cannot write a blog about swans without mentioning the beautiful ballet 
“Swan Lake”.

Anna Pavlova

Svetlana Zakharova

Jurgita Dronina, The Het Nationale Ballet (Netherlands)

Meaghan Grace Hinkis,, Royal Ballet at Athelhampton, England

Perhaps you would like to draw your own cob (male swan) or pen (female swan).

Posted by Art Projects for Kids, Pinterest

Posted by Art Projects for Kids on Pinterest

Swans can have a wing span of almost 10 feet and fly up to 50 mph.

Found on Pinterest

Wild swans live anywhere from 12 - 20 years.

Found on Pinterest

Look around and discover a few swans tucked into your world. Who knows where you might find a swan or two?
Kate Spade New York bag

Button Folk Art

World of Decor; Pinterest

Antique book cover

Yanina Couture Fall 2016

I have had so much fun finding swans for you! As always when I research for a blog, I have also learned new things. Thanks for coming along on the ride with me!

‘Til next time,

KKloberdans on Pinterest

Antique French publication

A few of my resources:
The Graphic Fairy