Wednesday, June 26, 2013

it's just a buggy time


It is hot and mostly dry here. The state of Colorado has many fires. ick. We had a bit of rain that helped contain a few of the fires. Yeah!

I have been in lala land, without a computer. boo,hoo
My Computer Babe has a bug...
She is now at the computer repair store, and they are working on it now. Good news!
However, it has severely cramped my style, not having one. 10 years ago I would not have believed you if you said I would be spending 2 - 4 hours on a computer every day, and would feel lost without it!

I am  on an old Windows XL right now, or is it Windows 8? with none of my files/documents/pictures available to me. Soooooo
let's see what we come up with today!


It takes about 30 years for the planet Saturn to orbit the sun.

Want to know more space facts?
check out Google Sky Map

Summer is a super time to check out the stars above, when the sun is down and the cool night takes over. Use binoculars! Wear bug-off spray!

Hmmm... bug off...

The Beatles' Abbey Road album cover

The two piece white wool suit that John Lennon is wearing in the above pic:
SOLD recently for $46,000.00

So, get the link?
Beatles - beetles
summer - beetles

a clever plastic canvas bug box!

Get out those take-out Chinese food containers, or empty oatmeal boxes and make a bug box!  Cut out a square from the box, and tape either netting or a small piece of fabric screening. (The metal screens are too much of a cutting accident waiting to happen). Tape all the edges down in place with packing tape, or something equally as sturdy.
colored duct tape?!

found on

Decorate the outside with markers, paint, stickers, crayons - whatever works for you.
Use the photos to inspire your own bug box creation!

I saw lots of variations of this bug box on the internet.
I LOVE the beaded bugs with this one!

Now, go bug hunting! Find an interesting bug or two, and place in the bug box. Check on it in 15 mins. What kind of food does it eat? Does it need water? (a litre bottle bottlecap with water is just right.) Draw a picture of it. Create a story with your Special Bug as the hero!

a clever bug box using a wood box cheapie from Hobby Lobby!

Be nice to the bugs.
Bugs want to go to bed in their own bed, so no overnight keeping.
Return the bug where you picked it from, or a very similar type environment. Mr. Bug wants to chat with his friends about his BIG adventure today!

That's it for today!
Hopefully tomorrow I will have my Computer Babe back. 

I will never yell at the computer again...
I will never pound the 'mouse' on the desk again...
I will never say bad words to the computer again...
I will never threaten the computer saying I will throw it out the window again...


inkspired (on vacation currently)
and on pinterest: kkloberdans

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